It was a trying week in the homeschooling world. But that is to be expected. We have received all of our curriculum, so that is good. We had a few days of students working against the teacher. So I had to take away some privileges and that worked really well.
Last Saturday we went to Mark's company picnic. In social occasions like this Kalen tends to stay right by my side. We hadn't been to the picnic very long and I was talking to someone and realized that Kalen was nowhere around. I looked for her and she had found a girl about her age and they buddied up and stayed together the whole time.
Monday was Kalen's first dance day for the year. It is nice that she can get dressed at home now since she doesn't have dance until 5:45 p.m. We got to the dance center and I asked if she wanted me to go in with her. She said 'no', she was fine on her own. I ended up going in anyway to pay her tuition. When I left I heard Kalen striking up a conversation with another girl that she has danced with in the past about what classes she was taking this year. She is usually pretty aloof to the girls that she dances with.
On Wednesday, Kalens teacher Mr. Schliske (its easier to call him Greg) called for their bi-weekly conference. I had warned him that Kalen may not talk on the phone. Talking on the phone is something that she truly hates to do. Anyway, Kalen got on the phone with Greg (he is a super nice man) and they talked for over ten minutes. I was quite impressed.
I went to Kalen's IEP meeting on Thursday. When Mrs. K called me to set up the meeting and tell me that the people that had provided her 'services' at Conestoga were to be there, I cringed a little. I cringed because I'm 'so done' with the resource teacher Miss S. I have nothing good to say to the woman. Mrs. K told me that I could request that Miss S. not be there and I did. I knew that Kalen's speech and OT teachers would be there along with the district autism specialist Mrs. L.
Now, Kalen's speech therapist Mrs. W and her OT, Miss E have been with her since kindergarten. I know they have made a HUGE difference in Kalen's life. Mrs W has been a rock over the years for Kalen and I both.
The meeting went very well. The principle from k12 showed them that Kalen was ahead on her work and Mr. Schliske talked about their conference and that she was retaining her info and thought she was doing well. The speech and OT teacher talked about where Kalen was at the end of last year. When they asked what I wanted to do about services I decided it was time to explain why we made the decision to homeschool. I left out my issues with Miss S. It wasn't appropriate not to invite her and then talk about her. I talked about bullying issues and our concerns for Kalens self esteem. I also told Mrs. W and Miss E what a difference I thought they had made in Kalens life. When I was done talking, much to my surprise Mrs. W spoke up and said "don't think that you have offended us with pulling Kalen from Conestoga. I miss her, but I also commend you for doing what you think it right for her." They all spoke up and basically said that same thing. They knew it was hard to step out of the box, but commended us for looking out for Kalen's best interest. The IEP was written to give us services as needed, which we may need. After the meeting Miss. E told me to call her for any kind of help, it didn't matter what the IEP said, she would do whatever she could. Mrs. W held back and let the rest of them leave reinforced what she said about doing the best for Kalen and thought we had done the right thing.
It was good to have the support, especially from people that have been a big part of Kalen's life. When you say you are a homeschooler, people look at you a little cross eyed. You must be convicted. At this point, the difference that it has made in Kalen's life is worth all the cross eyed looks!!