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Friday, June 12, 2009

It's been forever.................

It's been forever since I've posted. I keep thinking that I need to get things updated, but I never get that far. But that's the story of my life.

Here are some pictures of my entertainment this spring.

This is Beau. He was born March 18. He has provided a lot of entertainment for us.

This is Tara, she is Tari's baby. She was born April 13. She is a sweetheart. Sometimes we call her TJ, which is short for Tari Junior. Mark and I think Tari cloned herself in Tara.

The kids are finally out of school. This is our first week or no school and no activities. Next week we will do Vacation Bible School and after that we are free for the summer. We have no real plans for the summer other than going to some horse shows.

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