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Saturday, October 3, 2009

Thoughts from the homeschooling week

I've done some thinking this week about Language Arts. Kaleb is learning subjects and predicates, Kalen is learning direct objects, indirect objects and compound indirect objects. So far this year Kalen has reviewed verbs, nouns, pronouns, proper pronouns and adjectives. Yeah, its been a walk though the past for me.
I pondered this thought the other day as Kaleb and I are going over subjects and predicates........... why do you need to go any further in life picking a sentence apart than knowing what the subject and the action is in a sentence? Does a sentence really need to have all these word labels? It makes you wonder. I'm not sure that it makes you a better person for knowing them. I guess on need to mark "english teacher" off the list of what I want to be when I grow up.

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