Last Sunday was truly a beautiful day. It actually got to 86 degrees and there was no wind. On the way to church Mark made the comment that he needs to get back into the habit of making Sundays what they are suppose to be, a day of rest. That comment was brought on because he has been working way to many hours. Sunday afternoon, after he took a nap we took our chairs and sat in the trees on the east side of the yard and watched the horses graze on the hill between the house and the barn for about an hour.

This is Mike. We bought Mike as a yearling, Mark broke him to ride when he was 2 1/2 and sold him after he had ridden him for about two months to a friend. The friend rode him for about 6 mos., then he and his wife split up and he needed money so we bought him back. Mike will live with us forever. Mark showed him for two years in reining and reined cowhorse. They did all right together, but he struggled with his lead changes. Then Mike went lame, after a boat load of x-ray's it turns out he has problems with is hocks (probably been there since birth) and that's why he can't change leads very well. It ended his show career. Now Kaleb and I ride him. He's a great horse, he is honest and dependable. He is also very accident prone and he destroys thing. I could write a novel about the things he has done.
Anyway, Mike gets the pleasure of spending the summer with the mares and colts. The horse colt Beau, likes to hang with Mike. I'm not sure Mike likes him, but he isn't mean to him. Then again, I'm not sure anyone likes Beau.

This is Tari, our broodmare. She will also live her forever.

And this is Tara (higher up on the hill) and Beau. Tara is Tari's baby. Tara's a sweetheart. She is pretty laid back and easy to get along with. She likes to be petted. Beau should have been named The Tormentor. He torments all the other horses and is relentless about it, they have gotten to the place the ignore him and once in awhile will push him away. Poor Tara gets her share of it. I think the barn cats had a party when we moved Beau out of the foaling barn. Beau is cutting horse breed and he definitely has the instincted to move animals. The barn cats got their share of being chased by Beau.