This wasn't exactly the best year to start a garden considering the weather has been extremely cool. The high today is 71 and that is pretty warm for what we have been having. I had a little frost issue on June 4 and lost a few plants, but Kaleb and I replanted. Mark put up wire cow panels to keep the deer out. Of course I haven't seen a deer within two miles of the house since the April blizzard. It's a little 'rednecky'. Then Kaleb and I decided we better get the tomatoes and peppers staked because we have two tomatoes on one plant. We went to the shop to see what we could turn up and sure enough we found some wood stakes that were about 18" so they were perfect for the peppers. We dug around and turned up some electric fence poles that have spikes you can push in the ground with your foot, they looked perfect to me, so we put them in and staked the tomatoes. I'm pretty sure better homes and garden will not be visiting us.
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